When life is good and our relationships, health and finances are all flowing with abundance you’d think that would be the time when our feelings of gratitude would be flowing too.

But often it’s exactly when things are going well that we forget to be thankful for all the good that surrounds us.  It’s only when we lose something: when we experience the death of a loved one, relationship breakdown, or when our health fails that all of a sudden gratitude becomes so important.

So why is gratitude what we need most when we realise we have less?

It’s because Gratitude Creates Perspective.

The trauma of loss can make you feel like your whole world has fallen apart. Yet no matter how devastating your loss is, no matter how all-encompassing it feels, it is only one part of your life not your whole life.

By taking time to consciously focus on all the good that remains your mind progressively re-builds your inner world. It won’t happen instantly, but each day, little by little, your perception shifts. I know it’s hard to remember to do when you’re feeling utterly overwhelmed, so writing yourself reminder notes can help. I used to jog my memory by placing a sticky note on my bathroom mirror for my morning gratitude practice, and kept a diary next to my bed for bedtime journaling.  By using this activity on a daily basis you can regain a healthy perspective of your life, and even grow into a higher state of wellbeing than before.

It is best to practice gratitude all the time though, as it’s like a muscle: use it when you don’t need it so that it’s strong enough to pick you up off the floor when you do!

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